Milan Đurđević, nekadašnji Partizanov napadač, rođen je 1967. godine. Ovaj dugokosi fudbaler afirmaciju je stekao u OFK Beogradu, a u Partizan je došao pred početak sezone 1989/90 i u crno-belom dresu je proveo dve sezone. Navijačima Partizana ostao je u sećanju po golovima postignutim protiv Seltika i Groningena, ali i po promašajima na utakmici Inter – Partizan, u jesen 1990. Tokom dve sezone boravka u Partizanu, bio je standardni prvotimac. Usled svoje atipične pojave i ponašanja na terenu bio je ljubimac navijača. Navijači su ga zbog sličnosti sa slavnim argentinskim fudbalerom, pre svega po imidžu ali i poziciji u timu, zvali Kempes. Posle Partizana igrao je za PAOK kao i niz drugih klubova od kojih su najpoznatiji grčki Panachaiki i španska RCD Mallorca.
Statistika Milana Đurđevića, preuzeta sa
Roy D Hacksaw
Hey Alex – sorry to hijack this comment thread but I need some Serbian football info and I couldn't find another way to get you.
Drop me an email if you can and then I'll delete this note.
Cheers old boy,
Hello Roy!
No problem at all to give you info about Serbian football. Just tell me what kind of info you need.
Roy D Hacksaw
Cool man!
Well, there's a chance I might be in Beograd on 7th October, and as Serbia are playing Italy that day me and Mrs Roy might like to go.
But we don't know how easy it will be to get tickets (especially after what happened in Italy!).
Will there be a website that you know of that we can get them from, are tickets strictly limited after last time they played, or will be be able to get them in Beograd the day before?
No worry if you don't know, but we thought you'd be a good start!
Thanks mister!
Well, generally I am not very interested in Serbian national team and I almost never watch our national team, so that I cannot give you the precise information now, but I think there will be a chance to get tickets. Perhaps there will be the option to show your identity when you book tickets. Anyway, there will be more info later, I guess you may book tickets or write a short e-mail to Serbian FA or agency that sells tickets. Meanwhile, here you have the site of Srb. FA and e-mail of their agency:
[email protected]
Maybe the best way is to contact the agency via e-mail, as the match comes closer.